Published on February 1, 2007 By RogerCale In Community
Well I've been a loyal stardock user for 6 years now, got my first desktopX subscription in July of 2001. ? It has felt warm and cuddly here at wincutomize and stardock. Lately I'm not getting that warm and fuzzy feeling though. The past several months with the Vista craze I feel like us desktopX for XP users are being left in the dust, there has been no mention of new stuff for the XP version of desktopX and almost all of the talk is about vista. I understand for the need to do this, but don't leave us XP users in the dust, we for one reason or another might be using XP for a few more years and would like to have a bone tossed our way ever so often, maybe in the form of an up grade or a new item and not just skins even though they are always great. I will be going to vista also but not so soon so desktopX for XP is it. I'll get down off my soap box now, thanks for listening  
Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 01, 2007
I still run '98 on one

I was just about to say... has someone resurrected that ancient thread about moving Stardock products to XP and leaving all the 98/ME/2000 users behind!   

on Feb 01, 2007

I was just about to say... has someone resurrected that ancient thread about moving Stardock products to XP and leaving all the 98/ME/2000 users behind!

Yes, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.....

on Feb 02, 2007
I scoff at you XP Peasants . . My Vista is in the mail and I will mock you with my lack of memory but cutting edge coolness.

XP Peasants unite and thumb your nose at Zubaz
on Feb 02, 2007
on Feb 02, 2007
The problem here isn't Vista vs. XP, It's Quantity vs. Quality!

All you gotta do is browse through the various libraries to see it.

"Everything is a joke to you kids!"
on Feb 02, 2007
We are Xp peasants for Xp Users
yes yes yes!!!!

and with Ultimate upgrade listed at $495 AUS

still run '98 on one...(old Dos gamer box)

it's the same here but convert in € euros. It's not everybody who can get it this month!

My father work on his old win95 lol for one or two software, and on winxp for all other...

But for me XP or not. For Vista (i have test it in Beta), I will wait that they find errors, bugs, issues, and other... Don't forget that it's the same thing that with 98/XP. "Xp is too old, too slow, blablabla" "Vista is the greatiest Os ever built, It's too fast, too cool, too easier...."
I'm waiting and look. But when (this year i think) i will go to Vista, it's an a new PC and i keep in the old in XP (at less for Games and Skinning for others)

How you want that XP dying in the week of "birth" of Vista it's impossible. This Os will make at less 6-9 month to make compatibilities with softwares and one or two years to touch all people (an example at my job we use XP since 2 years)

on Feb 02, 2007

You don't frighten us, {XP} pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called {Skinning} King, you and all your silly {XP} k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!

on Feb 02, 2007
You don't frighten us, {XP} pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called {Skinning} King, you and all your silly {XP} k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!

on Feb 02, 2007
XP Peasants unite and thumb your nose at Zubaz

on Feb 02, 2007
Oh Zu-uuuuba-aaazzzz.....
on Feb 02, 2007
What we need is an XP only site.   

on Feb 02, 2007

I scoff at you XP Peasants . . My Vista is in the mail and I will mock you with my lack of memory but cutting edge coolness.

XP Peasants unite and thumb your nose at Zubaz


You don't frighten us, {XP} pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called {Skinning} King, you and all your silly {XP} k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!

My computer is already up to snuff and when the real WOW factor is available I will get Vista Ultimate

So until then.....I thumb my nose and blow it too I am a proud XP pig dog

It's My Secret
on Feb 02, 2007
Many people in this thread are right, you will have the people who just got the have the 'latest and greatest' but, XP will still be around for quite some time as the top OS. I'm thinking like quentin94 said, it'll be well into 6-9 months before Vista users will out number XP ones (who knows maybe even longer with the fact that alot of people will flat out have to get a new PC).

But, Stardock & WC do have to prove themselves as being able to advance and stay with the change as quickly as possable. I don't think they will leave XP users behind... its just a matter of hype... Vista is new.
on Feb 02, 2007
What we need is an XP only site.

Or a win 3.1 site!  Calmira II   
on Feb 02, 2007
I remember going from Windows 95 to Windows Xp. I was on the internet looking for Xp drivers for a month or so. Now I have read in the magazines that the same might be true for Vista. A scanner that I purchased is no longer supported by the maker because the drivers are not upgraded for service pack 2. I put together my own rig and purchased Windows XP Professional $300. Being retired and on a fixed income I think I will keep XP for at awhile. And just read about the problems that the Vista users have.   

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