Published on February 1, 2007 By RogerCale In Community
Well I've been a loyal stardock user for 6 years now, got my first desktopX subscription in July of 2001. ? It has felt warm and cuddly here at wincutomize and stardock. Lately I'm not getting that warm and fuzzy feeling though. The past several months with the Vista craze I feel like us desktopX for XP users are being left in the dust, there has been no mention of new stuff for the XP version of desktopX and almost all of the talk is about vista. I understand for the need to do this, but don't leave us XP users in the dust, we for one reason or another might be using XP for a few more years and would like to have a bone tossed our way ever so often, maybe in the form of an up grade or a new item and not just skins even though they are always great. I will be going to vista also but not so soon so desktopX for XP is it. I'll get down off my soap box now, thanks for listening  
Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 05, 2007
Keep them coming Karen, he will learn not mess with XP Peasants

on Feb 05, 2007
I for one im continuing to work in DX for XP. I just released the Holiday Countdown (and PRO) and I have a lot of other ideas in the works, i dont see Vista on my laptop (as it wont RUN IT!) for at least 2-3 years (unless the boss upgrades, or i get a new job!).

so.. ROCK ON DX XP!!!
on Feb 05, 2007
I am an XP Peasant and probably will be for a very long time. And fairyy~ you rock....
on Feb 06, 2007
I am an XP Peasant and probably will be for a very long time.

Thats right - XP Peasants stand up and be counted ..

Ohhh last time - " Here's looking at ya "

on Feb 06, 2007
Thanks for all the cute animations Fairyy . . but cute animations won't keep *me* from looking (see animation above) down at you XP peons living in the past
on Feb 06, 2007
Bout them Vista drivers...

Anyone seen this video? WWW Link
on Feb 06, 2007

on Feb 06, 2007
Anyone seen this video? WWW Link

hehehe - take that Zubaz
on Feb 06, 2007
God bless us XP Peasants, one and all!
Thanks Fairyy~! for the hilarious animations.
on Feb 06, 2007
Thanks Fairyy~! for the hilarious animations.

Just a bit of fun - always my pleasure to zap zubaz
on Feb 06, 2007
You don't frighten us, {XP} pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called {Skinning} King, you and all your silly {XP} k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!

XP PEASANTS! Arise! Let there be smiting and thumbing and blowing for all!!
on Feb 25, 2007

on Feb 25, 2007
My Vista is still lost in the mail . . .

Zubaz is still a peasant too. 
on Feb 25, 2007
Proud to be a pleasant peasant.   

FAR too many non-vista compliant PC's gonna be around to even THINK about abandoning XP anytime soon.

I highly doubt Vista will surpass XP usage for at least 2-3 more years.
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