Published on February 1, 2007 By RogerCale In Community
Well I've been a loyal stardock user for 6 years now, got my first desktopX subscription in July of 2001. ? It has felt warm and cuddly here at wincutomize and stardock. Lately I'm not getting that warm and fuzzy feeling though. The past several months with the Vista craze I feel like us desktopX for XP users are being left in the dust, there has been no mention of new stuff for the XP version of desktopX and almost all of the talk is about vista. I understand for the need to do this, but don't leave us XP users in the dust, we for one reason or another might be using XP for a few more years and would like to have a bone tossed our way ever so often, maybe in the form of an up grade or a new item and not just skins even though they are always great. I will be going to vista also but not so soon so desktopX for XP is it. I'll get down off my soap box now, thanks for listening  
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on Feb 01, 2007
I just had this same discussion a few hours ago. I too understand the need for Vista hype - but some days I feel if I see that V word one more time I'll scream.
Hopefully the hype will settle down and the rest of us Xp Peasants can feel like we belong again.
on Feb 01, 2007
Stardock has no intention of abandoning the Windows XP world for a while yet.  We've been updating our software fairly steadily for XP and will continue to do so for some time yet to come.  The recent flush of Vista related updates and news has been largely because we need to make sure our products work on Vista as well as XP, so we can be on the cutting edge of skinning, bring out new and interesting products and make sure we're here to support our customers who make the migration to Vista just as well as we try to support the users who stay with XP.

In the last 6 months, we've released the following updates for XP products:
-Enhanced File Dialog
-Keyboard LaunchPad 1.5
-DesktopX 3.2
-ObjectBar 2
-WindowBlinds 5.1
-Keepsafe 1.1
-Multiplicity 1.1
-ObjectDock 1.5

Personally, I still run XP at home, so I too want to see new features and fixes to continue to come out for it. 
on Feb 01, 2007
us Xp Peasants

on Feb 01, 2007
I am an XP Peasant as well. Looks like I'm in good company!
on Feb 01, 2007
Yeah I'll be sticking with XP for a while to, even if I could afford the jump to Vista, I wouldn't be doing it right away.
on Feb 01, 2007
good company!

on Feb 01, 2007
There will be alot of XP users for awhile unless something happens and they start giving away new computers with Vista loaded on them. If Stardock folks like Zoomba are still running XP at home I kind of think we are okay for while. I'm sure though at sometime in the future there will be an announcement as Vista overtakes XP as the OS of choice. Life goes on and those that adapt see the light of a new day.   
on Feb 01, 2007
I love that pig, Tony.
on Feb 01, 2007
Xp Peasants

who you calling a Peasant???
tawoods you are a Peasant...Oh yeah...I forgot

Sorry Fairyy~
on Feb 01, 2007
At least he spelled your name right!! hehe
on Feb 01, 2007
I'm an XP peasant and proud of it...that is until I crash again. lol
on Feb 01, 2007
Xp Peasants

LOL! I feel the same way. I've considered writing a VISTA gripe thread many times. Promotion of this great new OS and all the cool stuff that comes with it is understandable but lately I've been feeling a little railroaded by it. (What with Gates showing up on every channel) I understand that it is necessary but sometimes it gets a little exhausting. Not only that but now everything has to look like Vista, too. Has anyone noticed how many Vista-esque themes and widgets there are? (Although, some of them are pretty darn amazing  ) Now, I like my originality and I like to be unique but on several widgets/themes I've been working on I am considering whether or not it needs to be Vista-esque. After all, I'm not just making these things for my enjoyment and if that's what the people want then why not? On the other hand, I really don't see the point of creating my own stuff if it just looks like so many other things out there. Sorry, I think I'll get down off my soap box now, too.   
on Feb 01, 2007
I am an XP Peasant as well.


I was going to start a similar thread. I have a very modest computer and it took me some time to acquire it and tweak it (add memory, new video card, etc) and some major kissing up to the wife. lol. I feel like I just caught up and have things where I want them and then Vista happens. (Hmmm...'Vista Happens'....) Anyway, the last thing I wanted to do was whine about it.

I thought I could hold off on Vista for a while, but the site seems so geared towards promoting all the new Vista stuff I am already feeling left behind. I have some tiny, small, almost itty-bitty feelings of resentment, in that, for those of us trying to hold off, Microsoft must be thrilled that you guys are making it so damn hard by putting out all these new and amazing looking apps that will require Vista and make it so hard to hold off and have other's feeling like myself...That we'll be left behind in the dust.

I'll throw this out one more time, for the hell of it...I hope that Microsoft will throw you all some copies of Vista Ultimate to use in some contests...if just to say thanks for all the peeps you will entice into buying Vista on their own through all your software and hardwork.

on Feb 01, 2007
I scoff at you XP Peasants . . My Vista is in the mail and I will mock you with my lack of memory but cutting edge coolness.
on Feb 01, 2007

My Vista is in the mail and I will mock you with my lack of memory but cutting edge coolness.

OK...who duped Zubaz into thinking he was cool?


Many people have more than one machine....and with Ultimate upgrade listed at $495 AUS, I for one won't be adding it to every machine, even if they all could handle it.

I still run '98 on one...[old Dos gamer box], will probably have XP on 3 ...and restrict Vista to just one....

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